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Half term!

Your Voice, Your Union!

Half term!

Half term!

Hi everyone!

I hope you have been having a wonderful half term, full of halloween fun and possibly finished off with some sparkle from bonfire night. A lot has been happening this week, we had our first reps trip to Kingswood, Colomendy, which was absolutely brilliant! Team Challenge WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition competition happened at Bersham Road and much more!

Firstly, what has been happening over at Bersham Road… Coleg Cambria and WorldSkills UK had the honour of hosting the Manufacturing Team Challenge WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition competition at Bersham Rd in Wrexham 1-4 November. Due to take place in Shanghai in October, it was cancelled due to the pandemic and the whole suite of international finals have taken place across the globe, with 62 finals in 15 countries and over 1,000 competitors.

5 teams of 3 competitors took part: from Japan, South Korea, Chinese Taipei, France and the UK. 

Each team had to design and build a unique, innovative radio-controlled crane, capable of lifting, transporting and placing different shaped weights across a challenging obstacle course. Each team had to be skilled in CNC Milling, Manual Milling, Turning, MIG, TIG and fabrication, Electronics, Reverse engineering and additive manufacturing/3D printing. The crane was of the teams’ own design. They had a maximum of 22 working horse on the 

Hosting the international competition at Coleg Cambria  gave us the opportunity to see excellence in engineering, with the very best young apprentices from around the globe representing their countries pitting their talents and skills against each other in this international competition. It was a chance to show and use our world-class facilities at Bersham Rd and to welcome young engineers from all over the world.

Extra bragging points!!

Team UK (all from Wales) comprise of one an ex-Cambria student, Charlie Samson along with George Denman, Swansea University and Michael Jones, GE Aviation

If you are interested in taking part in WorldSkills competitions (starting with Welsh Skills Competitions) then talk to your tutor and Rona Griffiths (rona.griffiths@cambria.ac.uk). Registrations open for the Welsh Competitions first:  21.11.22 – 05.12.22 ! Don’t be shy!

More info on Welsh competitions: https://inspiringskills.gov.wales/competitions

More info on WorldSkills UK competitions: https://www.worldskillsuk.org/skills/national-competitions/

Half term!

New Club Alert!!!

A new club has started over in Deeside – a club in which you can talk all things K-Pop and potentially learn a bit of Korean too. Remember, if you want to start a club, just contact me or Mark and we will help you get it started. 



Back to Kingswood, what a day that was! We did everything from obstacle challenges to rock climbing, nightline walking to Jacob’s ladder. We experienced lovely fresh Autumn sunshine and torrential rain – however, the smiles and laughter didn’t stop, no weather that was thrown our way could stop our fun. It was brilliant to see reps from across the sites getting to know one another and working together and showing fantastic team working skills. We are now so excited to get planning our next trip which will be happening sometime in February and will be open to all of the reps, starting with those who did not have a chance to go this time around. 

November happenings:

November has a lot going on, including this years first Campus Council meetings

Yale – 21st November from 12:15pm – 1:15pm 

Deeside / Deeside 6th – 23rd November from 12:15pm – 1:15pm

Northop – 25th November from 12:15pm – 1:15pm 

Bersham Road – 28th November from 12:15pm – 1:15pm 

Llysasi – 30th November from 12:15pm – 1:15pm 

If you would like to attend your site’s meeting, please ensure you complete the form in your classroom no later than the 11th November.

Talking of the 11th November… Our Remembrance services are happening at every site, of which some of you have volunteered to be involved in. Please keep an eye out for information about this. 

Like I said, we have a busy November ahead, including all of the site’s Open Events! These are happening on:

Deeside: Wednesday 9th November – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Deeside Sixth: Wednesday 9th November – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Llysfasi: Saturday 12th November – 10am – 1pm

Yale/Yale Sixth: Wednesday 16th November – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Bersham Road: Wednesday 16th November – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Northop: Saturday 19th November – 10am – 1pm

We are looking forward to seeing you all after your half term and cannot wait to hear what you have been getting up to and get back into our student rep sessions.

Han and Mark