What is Student Voice?
About Student Voice
Coleg Cambria’s Student Voice is a students’ association within the meaning of the Education Act 1994, acting as a voice for our members, with strong focus on educational interests and welfare. Coleg Cambria provides us with resources to help us meet our objectives.
Our Student Constitution details and sets out the eligible members of Coleg Cambria Student Voice, the roles each can play, the duties of Coleg Cambria Student Voice as an unincorporated association and a rough timeline of events which should take place throughout the academic calendar.

Get Involved and Make a Difference
Student Voice is a fantastic opportunity to have your say and change what happens at the college.
Every class elects one Class Rep in September so if you’re interested put yourself forward by letting your progress coach know. Elected Class Reps will attend regular meetings and training to assist them with being the best rep they can be and to ensure their voice gets heard!
Take YOUR opportunity to have YOUR say!