01978 548815

Student Governors

Your Voice, Your Union!

Student Governors

Student Governors

Student Governors:

The Student Governor process involves a process of recommendation or referral as well as submission of a CV and other application documentation.

From here the candidates’ applications then go through a selection process until the final candidates, 1 from each campus – in this case, 5 final candidates as Deeside and D6th are considered a single campus for the Student Governor selection processes – are chosen to go through for the final interview stage. The interview is conducted by the ‘Search Committee’ from the Board of Governors, the team responsible for interviewing and selecting the successful two Student Governors.

The successful Student Governors will be supported by Student Voice and by the Clerk to the Board of Governors. In addition to this, each Student Governor will have a Mentor from the Board of Governors to assist them with their progress during their term.

Board Meetings:

Our Student Governors attend regular Board Meetings during the academic year, some of these may be the ‘standard’ Board Meetings, others may be topic-specific. Our Student Governors have equal standing with the other Board of Governor members and are only asked to be excused from matters directly involving issues such as staff pay. In such matters, the Clerk and their Mentor will direct them accordingly.

Meetings typically rotate around each of the campuses and where the meetings take place on a campus other than where the Student Governor is studying transport will be arranged and covered to get the Student Governor to the meeting and home again.


Our Student Governors

Student Governors


Abigail Garrugia

Student Governor

Abi is currently studying A levels in P.E, Psychology and Sociology at Deeside 6th and is a student Governor. Her interests mainly revolve around sports such as Netball which she has played since the age of 7. Abi aims to study sport science at university and later become a teacher.

Abi is interested in listening to the views of others and is confident in stating her opinions and in sharing her observations as a learner at Coleg Cambria.

Student Governors

Finn Jones

Student Governor 

Finn is currently studying Animal Management at Level 3 after coming from Animal Care Level 1 and Level 2 (and being homeschooled prior). He’s been a part of the Student Voice programme for the college since first starting at Coleg Cambria in September 2021.  Finn is a Student Governor on the Board.

Finn is passionate about making sure that the animals on his course are properly looked after and maintained to the best of the college’s abilities. He is also keen to ensure that the college stays inclusive and that he and his peers continue to enjoy, and feel supported through, their courses.