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Worldskills Registrations open this week !!

Your Voice, Your Union!

Worldskills Registrations open this week !!

Worldskills Registrations open this week !!

WorldSkills competition registrations open this week. A skills competition provides the chance for you or a group of you to compete against one another to demonstrate your talent in a particular vocational skill. Such as Catering, Floristry, Hair and Beauty, IT etc. These competitions  use tasks derived from real life, industry-based scenarios. All of your work is scored by experts to an agreed criteria, and the highest score(s) go through to the next stage of the competition.

The Impact it has on taking part in competitions is proven to enhance a person’s learning and development. The activity is linked to apprenticeship standards and designed to focus on capacity building in core skills and competencies valued by employers including team-work, problem solving, time management and working under pressure. 

Last year during the covid 19 pandemic, I undertook training so I could take part in both Welsh Skills and Worldskills competitions. I took part in the IT software solutions for business competition and I came first in both of them. This has also brought its own benefits such as improving and developing my time management skills, but also my organisation and problem solving skills. 

I really think that these vocational competitions are really beneficial for all students and I would 100% recommend any of these competitions for anyone because there is so much you can potentially learn from taking part in these competitions. Plus if you get the chance to come first you also get to receive a certificate and a medal.

Worldskills competitions are really beneficial because they have helped me overcome my learning barriers and I also got the opportunity to develop my transferable skills further. So if there was one piece of advice you take this week is register to complete one of these competitions as theres nothing that you wouldnt regret. 

Registrations close on 24 March 2023, so get your registrations in now !!

Ben White 

L3 Games Development and IT