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What a Month!!!

Your Voice, Your Union!

What a Month!!!

What a Month!!!

What a Month!!

Happy Friday Everyone!! You have completed the penultimate week of this term – well done!!! It’s no easy feat to get this far when the nights are getting colder and dark, but you have shown up and succeeded! Together, we have achieved so much this past month… So much so, I have had to rein in what I am writing because otherwise this would turn into a small dissertation. So without further ado, this is what we have been up to!!

Christmas Shoebox

Led by Alex Pengelly, we took part in the T4U Christmas Shoebox Appeal and across all of the sites we managed to collect an incredible 58 boxes. This is absolutely amazing, especially due to the current circumstances. Everyone’s generosity and support has meant that we have provided a box of Christmas joy to 58 children in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Romania. Big thank you to everyone who got involved, donated or even just shouted about it and spread the word.  

Christmas Markets

I hope you have all started to feel a little bit of the Christmas spirit yourself (don’t worry if not!), and I hope the Christmas markets have encouraged the Christmas joy to come out! We have had the most amazing time at the markets. All of the different groups of students have made the most incredible goodies and have also had a go at selling as well. All together across both Yale and Deeside we have made an incredible £1,260.98(!!!) which is being split between: Nightingale House, Hope House, Trussell Trust, The Brain Tumour Charity and JDRF (Children with Diabetes Research). Big thank you to everyone who made something, helped on the stall or bought something – it has been absolutely amazing!!!

Poppy Appeal Awards

At the Poppy Appeal Awards learners from Level 2 UPS were presented a certificate to mark the collection by UPS learners from Yale Campus Jesse Wheelan and Kitty Davies who raised £1600. They were presented their certificate by the Mayor of Wrexham  and were praised for the work they have done for the award. Alan Lowry was also recognised for 15 years of running the appeal at Coleg Cambria. This forms part of the service section for the learners participating in the DofE Award. 

World Skills Results 

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all our 8 finalists who represented Coleg Cambria and Wales at WorldSkills UK National Finals 14-17 November!

  • 11 Coleg Cambria students and apprentices initially won their place to compete as UK finalists. This is a remarkable and impressive feat once again – and testimony to the fantastic training, skills development and caliber of our teaching staff.
  • 5 of our finalists were awarded medals, ensuring Coleg Cambria’s place in the top 4 organisations in the UK:

Aircraft Maintenance

Gold: Rosie Boddy, Airbus UK

Silver: Tymoteusz Rozanski, Coleg Cambria

Beauty Therapist Silver (joint): Caitlyn Lawton, Coleg Cambria

Beauty Therapy Practitioner Gold: Isabella Bailey, Coleg Cambria

Network Infrastructure Technician Gold: Cameron Thompson, Coleg Cambria

Coleg Cambria came 4th in the UK, with 18 points (3 Golds, 2 Silvers) – nb Rosie Boddy’s Gold is not shown here as she was registered through Airbus UK.


Enormous thanks and congratulations to the fantastic tutors who trained 143 Coleg Cambria competitors in 25 skills competitions throughout 2022. Not only did you offer your students great opportunities and experience this year, but you ensured Coleg Cambria were in the top 4 organisations in the UK and second in Wales.


Campus Council – Soup 

We have had the most amazing results from the Campus Council meetings, we now have managed to get free soup and bread every day and that is all down to you!! Without your voice, we wouldn’t have been able to get this amazing result which means that every single student has got the opportunity to have a warm meal at lunch time in these colder months. It just goes to show how important Student Voice Reps are and I hope you all feel extremely proud of yourselves. 

A final note from us – we hope you have the BEST Christmas, but remember, Christmas can be a very hard time for lots of people, so remember to be kind to others in what can be such a hard time. Celebrate and spend some time with your loved ones, friends, family, whoever that may be. 

Best wishes!

Han and Mark