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Things are happening !

Your Voice, Your Union!

Things are happening !

Things are happening !

Hi everyone! 

Your second edition for your new Student Voice blog has landed… As many of you know, I’m Han and this has been my first week working at Coleg Cambria as your Student Voice Engagement Officer and I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed it. I have made it to lots of the sites, and I really think this is a wonderful place to work and study (I especially liked visiting all of the animals at Northop, that was a wonderful surprise!), and I cannot wait to do what I can to make it even better for you all. 

We currently have an amazing 14 clubs and societies up and running including:



Sing and Sign

Art Club

Mature Learners Association 

Debate Club


Web Design 

International Student

Make and Mend 

Dungeons and Dragons

Creative Writing

Sign Language 



Creative Writing 

As you can see most of these clubs and societies are happening over at Yale and Deeside, so we would love for there to be more across all of the sites…

What is your favourite hobby? Do you want to integrate it into your college life? Well, all you have to do is email hannah.davie@cambria.ac.uk or mark.hughes@cambria.ac.uk and we will help you bring it to life. For example, if I were a student I would be wanting to get a music or singing club together!! 

If you are unsure of what you want but are interested in having a space where you can connect with people with similar interests just drop us an email and we can talk through the different options – remember, we are here for you and want to make your college experience the best it can be. 

So far, I am so impressed with each and everyone of you that I have met at the student rep meetings and for those of you I haven’t met I am looking forward to meeting you next week. Your ideas are being heard and will continue to be, but if you cannot wait until your student rep meeting you can “HAVE YOUR SAY” on the Cambria App under the ‘to do’ section. 

So, that’s it. We have your hoodie orders in (don’t worry if you missed it – there will be another opportunity!!), we are doing all of the work to make your Kingswood Colomendy trip as amazing as possible, along with the preparations for the Glan Llyn trip on the 23rd February (don’t worry, we will be in touch about this!), as well as lots of other plans we have for you.

Keep an eye out for a form on Monday that you can use to VOTE FOR YOUR STUDENT PRESIDENT and STUDENT OFFICER ROLES – exciting, right?! 

I will leave it there for now, but I hope you have all had a lovely week and an even nicer weekend. 

See you next week!
